Monday, May 21, 2012


 Am I being lazy? I took a trip to the library this week, so I haven't felt much interest in wasting my time on  The Facebook, Twitter, or my blog. Not that I don't love ya'll, but I'm not obsessed over your life and I can always read about it four hours after you post instead of two minutes. ;-D

PacMan anyone? Oh, that's right, it's an Eclipse.

I have a very narrow field of reading interests, I know.

And I must really be lazy, because I salvaged the first part of this post from last week and added the pic from the Annular Eclipse last night. ;-D

 Listening to Adam Young. Youtopia is probably my favorite.


  1. I'm rather disillusioned and sad that you aren't obsessed with the lives of your blog friends =(
    Kidding! Hope you have some realistic plots to read. And just out of curiousity .. did that search come up with any results?! Lol.

    Dude, spoken like a true nerd *5er*
    And that has to be one of the best searches ever. Just sayin.

    ...all of it.
    DUDE, Eclipse night = best nerdy night of my life.
    Seriously- I was in my Dad's office, totally glued to both computer screens, one streaming Cali and NM, and the other streaming Nevada. :D It was pretty amazing.
    (And the guy that was filming the Nevada one was showing this little kid what it looked like and he said: "See? it looks like Pacman." AUGHHHHHHH, BEST THING!!!!!!
    ...okay, I'm done. xD
    Love you!


    P.S. Blogger is flipping out on me and suddenly deleted every last blog that I follow, so I'm trying to scramble to follow everybody again. O_O (derrrn you Googllllle. First I can't play Bob Moog's synthesizer, and now THIS?!?!!?!)


Yakkity smack.