Monday, July 23, 2012

940 chirps of randomness.

"Hey, I just met you. And this is crazy. But you've got cookies. I mean come on. You've got COOKIES."

My characters are about to start daring each other to eat sashimi. This could get ugly.  They sound like they are dying.

Listening to my Deceptive Soundtrack while writing Ocean. Talk about two different moods. xD Ominous VS Poetic.

This is the only picture I could find that was worth uploading.

Everyone is writing romantic plots into their stories today, and for once I am not.

#YouKnowYouUseTwitterTooMuch when you start responding to emails in two sentences.

My Mother dubbed me the Sun Tea Steeper of the household. I love sun tea. <3

The Mighty Macs. Seriously good. What's up with all of the awesome 1970's true story movies suddenly? (I apparently watched the short version on Netflix. Figures. It was still an awesome movie.)

Why you should research before writing: a group of unihabited islands I was going to use in a novel was recently inhabited as a gay-only kingdom. o.0

Still trying to figure out how not one but THREE Nick Jonas songs got on my NaNoWriMo playlist... o.0  No, I have not gone mad. I deleted them off of the playlist shortly upon finding this information.

Watched Vanishing of the Bees. If you're skeptical about the negative effects of GMO and pesticides, watch that movie. Icing on the cake so to speak. Food Inc & Fresh are good movies, too.

I don't like it when a TV show leaves a season with an engagement cliffhanger. *grrrrr* Example One (I really like the music in this one):

Wondering if I should strand my character on a cay for a chapter. Thoughts? ...No takers? Okay, no sand bar character abandonment, then.

Chocolate covered cashews. Om Nom Nom.

I'm not going to say who's ahead, but the indie authors are kicking butt in ALL categories of the VerveLitAwards

"Are you sure you want to log out?" No, I was just kidding.

So apparently no one knows how to spell Lady Antebellum or Downton Abbey. 

Not only do I need Heartland intervention, I need twitter intervention (twittervention). I use that thing WAY more than necessary, and it keeps me from updating my blog!
 Do you like the new layout on my blog? I like it.
 Sorry for recycling my tweets, but that's what's been going on with me lately. I think it might be a healthy decision to stop going on there for a day or two. Just a thought.

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