Monday, July 9, 2012


 Two. Weeks. Of. Crazy. Two weeks straight of driving to events, errands, pseudo family reunions, getting up early for my job (though that is only once a week), a concert, and just being tired in general. I'm ready for a summer vacation! I know it sounds lazy and unsociable of me, but....

 I still have to do some last minute things for the Verve Literary Awards (which didn't get as many nominated books as I had hoped because I didn't have the money to buy some of the books that were really awesome) and I have some reviews that were postponed, so this means that the voting cannot start yet. >.>

 Deceptive. It's getting there. And as you have probably guessed if you follow me on Twitter a lot, there is something in it about Erlenmeyer flasks (or is that masks ;-D) and that my teenybopper characters are lazy and just want to sit around playing video games or some garbage all day. Jerks. But I'm really starting to love my sub-main character. The FMC is trailing behind because she is SUCH a nerd. Some times I wonder if the readers will think she is boring. If I post an excerpt of some of her inner monologues, will you all tell me if she's too nerdy?
 But the writing process isn't all lollipops, for I wrote an emotional scene and it fell flat due to the hugely mundane and overused lines that the characters said. It's going to take a lot of editing.

( BLAH, not much to blog about now. Sorry. <3 )

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