Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Blueberry Pancakes.

 Right now, I'm about to start work on a scene in my novel describing someone's first experience with blueberry pancakes. This is a huge deal to said character, because she isn't used to Americanized food. The whole novel has been largely geared towards describing everything as though it's new, but I want to do something different in this scene. And here's the other tough part about it: she doesn't like pancakes. What was I thinking when I created her character profile?!

*edit with updates*

 It seems my cat needs to use my manuscript for her morning reading time. So I have more time to procrastinate and plan this scene. Any thoughts to how I could go about it?

 I was able to pry the character's profile out from the grasp of my cat, and I noticed that I never filled any interests in for her besides swimming, which is already in a lot of the scenes. So she's rather boring.

 What can I do to help her when she insists on being so contrary and yet tries so many new things willingly?

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Yakkity smack.