Saturday, August 4, 2012

TAG once again.


 So I oft ignore tag awards because you have to spend five hours on the responses.

But this one is short. Thanks very much to my blog-acquaintance, Rinskii!

First, I have to tell seven unknown details about myself.

1. I can't stand junk food. I mean the really junky stuff. Hand me a Hostess Coconut Doughnut and I'll probably sneak it to my dog Monsieur Iron Stomach under the table. Weird. That's me. But then, I consider fresh carrot, cucumber, beet and celery juice dessert many times. Or sun tea with a splash of organic cherry lemonade <3 <3 <3 <3 But home made cookies? THAT will not go to the dog.

2. I'm not really that great at spelling. I still have problems with 'gnat'. Just today I was hand-writing one of my manuscripts and could not recall 'soldier' (I remembered the D eventually). I use spell check, and abuse it.

3. I still watch High School Muscial. At least once a year. Yeah. I watched 1 & 2 this week, and let me tell you: I've seen enough cheesy caresses to last me a month.

4. I am an anti-GMO person, and some times that can make me seem like an earthhugger, but I assure you they are not one in the same.

5. I'm too serious. See numbers 1 and 4 ^.

6. We're not done yet? This section has taken me two days...

7. I'd rather do a '7 Things You Don't Know About My Character Section'. And I really like Cameron Mitchell music.

 What are your favorite song lyrics?

I like a lot of songs, mostly for the instrumental. Usually I don't have a line of lyrics that I adore. But I shall give you a song anyways. This whole song? Brilliant.

Clarity by Cameron Mitchell on Grooveshark  

What is your favorite book/series? That is a very mean question to ask me. ROFL Just kidding. Favorite book is either The Mozart Season or My Friend Flicka. They both have things that I can relate to in little ways.  I don't usually like series but right now I'd have to say my favorite is Benjamin Pratt & The Keepers of the School by Andrew Clements. That dude is a genius.

 What is your favorite Movie/TV series? HEARTLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 I can't wait until the 6th season premiers next month... Alberta Canada is so pretty! I would have put a trailer to season 5, but people were so obsessed about making kissing scene montages I guess they forgot to upload that. Whatevs.

Who inspires you?

Jesus Christ. Obvious much? :-D While we're talking Bible figures, I also like Esther for some reason.

What is your dream job?

Ummm... I'd have to say being a professional author, nutritional biochemist, and a film maker.

 Now I have to tag 7 people. They get to fill out theses questions, too! Since Lidia's idea of posting your responses in the comment section worked so well last time, you are more than welcome to post yours there if you do no wish to on your blog.

Jonni (forgot her blog address)
Aubrey (that link takes you to an excerpt of her new novel translated into lolcat. it's a good giggle or twelve)
Katie Daniels (I doubt she'll see this but she's cool soooo)
Grace Pennignton (okay... well I'm just adding the people I talk to on Twitter. Lazy much?)
And anyone else I forgot because I have yet to eat breakfast... just pretend your name is there. ;-D

I'm off to work on a tag quiz for characters. Au revior. However you spell that.


  1. I am honored that you consider my post giggle-inducing. ^_^ I don't usually do these things, but *hugs* for the tag!

    1. It's cool, I was just drawing names out of my noggin at random. ;-D

  2. :D I loved this post. I'm so glad you decided to do it! lol. I've skipped tags too. I usually have a hard time thinking of anwers as well. :P I spend way too much time on them.
    dude, that lolcat exerpt made me laugh so hard!! xD <3
    Esther. *very* good choice. ^_^
    great answers! <3

    1. Thanks! Yeah, tag quizzes can be weird on occasion.
      Isn't that excerpt awesome? I kept waking up in the middle of the night and thinking in lolcat. xD

      Yeah, Esther is awesome. I like Ruth as well, in fact I'm not sure which is really my favorite.



Yakkity smack.