Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Number Coma

I am a math nerd. I just can't help it. It used to be the most despicable thing I'd ever had to do but now I love it. Go figure. However, this week is an intro to funtions, which basically just puts me in a Number Coma.

It's funny how GIMP can make a horrible web cam snapshot into a cool pic.
Enough said.

My pillow is putting the washing machine off balance and it sounds like a cat is trying to escape the washer.

My friends and I have really weird conversations on twitter.

 I am really lacking writing skills right now. Haven't been able to write all week.

 Love you all. <3


  1. I can't stand math!!! I am doing algebra this year and it is all I can do to squeeze out a lesson a day! And if I do it first that I have a hard time doing anything else productive for the rest of the day. :-/ I prefer history. :-)

  2. DUDE, math is lousy. I know enough of it to play Scrabble without looking like an idiot. That is all I need.

    Woot for edited photos. :D I love your doodle. And the cat inside the washer machine made me laugh. xD Love you dude.

    God bless,


Yakkity smack.