Saturday, July 13, 2013

Happy Mid-July

 Ah, the Quill is back! Now in 2D with a fresh new url. ;-)

 Here we are, in July. In the past couple of weeks I've started two college courses and joined a writing critique group that is run by one of my best friends. I guess you could say that I'm busy, as I never seem to have the time to fit in anything new.

 The cool thing about my critique group is that our motto is "No Fear" and there are only three other members besides myself. It's not that hard to share my precious work with people I know well. The uncool thing is that it forces me to stop being lazy about writing and complete 2 short stories a week. If you know anything about me, I'm just happy to finish one chapter in a WIP per week. So.

Also, here is an example of my atrocious editing skills for your enjoyment. Its a collage of the funniest moments from season 7 of Doctor Who. I'm going to make a better one soon.

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Yakkity smack.